Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year - New Plans

One of the "Missionary Quotes" they gave us at training in the states was: "Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not break." This new year has brought in some new plans for me down here in Manaus. Maybe not new plans, so much as delayed plans! The original scenario had me doing three months of language training here in Manaus. Then I would start my two month missions training in February with me going out to live on the river sometime in April. This has since changed for a number of different reasons.

So, the new plan! I am almost done with my language training, just about 2-3 weeks left of it. Come February I will not be heading to training as originally thought. Rather, I will begin a two month voyage all over the Amazon basin! The key word here is flexibility, because the plans are still not set in stone for February and March (and potentially a little spill over into April). However, the basic course for now will be for me to spend the first 2-3 weeks with my roommate going up the Rio Negro here in Brazil to do some research. Our goal would be to find some locations for future Amazon Racers and to find out a little bit about the Evangelic presence in the Ribeirinho communities where we will be stopping.

Then, when I return sometime around mid-February, I will be going out one more time, but this time for a month and a half up the Rio Solimões with a lady named Ioli - a Brazilian who is one of the leaders of the Amazon Race project from the Brazil side. Our first stop will be a little town located right next to Peru. We will likely spend over a week there doing the same type of research mentioned above at some of the River-Communities surrounding the city. From there, we will ride a boat back to Manuas, stopping along the way at 3-4 other communities to do some more research.

This will bring me to April, where I will have 2-3 free weeks and, drum rolls please, MY PARENTS ARE COMING! I'm so excited to get to show them my new home, and introduce them to some of my new friends here. Not to mention I'm super excited to just be able to see them again and hug them and talk with them - face to face, not computer screen to computer screen! Then, in the beginning of May, my two month training will start. Then in July I will most likely be heading out onto the river to live in a Ribeirinho community and tell some people the Greatest News that they could ever hear.

So, the next few months are going to be very different from the last few months, and very different from the original plan - but I know that I am right where God wants me and if he'd rather me do some research trips first, then I'll gladly do some research trips first!

As far as specific prayer requests go, first off is the language. Praise God that the language is going very well. Last night at church I honestly understood a good 90-95% of what the pastor said. Praise God that it's no longer one stream of Portuguese that all runs together, but I'm actually to a point now where it has slowed down and I can understand the words that are being said. I'm able to have some more extended conversation with some of my friends. I'm not anywhere near fluent, I still have a lot more to learn. So pray that I will continue to add to the vocabulary and be able to talk about deeper things and eternal things.
Continue to pray also for some of my friends that I am making playing basketball. The one I had blogged about earlier asked me last Thursday if he could come with me to church on Sunday (today). I was extremely excited that I didn't have to even bring it up. Unfortunately, he just called me to tell me he was going to go play basketball instead of coming to church with me tonight. But, continue to pray for him and others that I am getting to know. Pray that I could learn the Portuguese needed to communicate Christ to them. Pray that my lifestyle and attitude would reflect Christ even when I don't necessarily know that language. Pray that God would open their eyes and heal their hearts for the sake of His name and His glory. Pray that I may have boldness.
Pray that the time I have left here in Manaus would be meaningful - that I would live my life with purpose in learning Portuguese, getting to know Brazilians, and, most importantly, becoming more and more of a disciple of Christ each and every day as I grow in my knowledge of Him and obedience to Him.
Pray for the trips that are coming up - that God prepares peoples hearts and that Chris and Ioli and I have opportunities to share Christ's love as we conduct these research trips.
Thank you all for your prayers!

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