While reading a commentary on these verses I found a quote from Charles Spurgeon, "If the only result of our religion is the comfort of our poor little souls, if the beginning and the end of piety is contained within one’s self, why, it is a strange thing to be in connection with the unselfish Jesus, and to be the fruit of his gracious Spirit. Surely, Jesus did not come to save us that we might live unto ourselves. He came to save us from selfishness."
I have been blessed greatly by the family that God has given me and the friends that God has surrounded me with. Most importantly I have been blessed by God by being able to call myself a son of God, to receive an inheritance greater than anything the earth has to offer. Therefore I cannot keep it to myself. Just as the lepers went and told the nation of Israel, so I must go and tell.
Many of you know that I am headed out to training here in two weeks to start my two months of training. After this I will be heading down to Brazil sometime between mid-October and mid-November. At that point I will go through another 5-6 months of training. Then I will start my missions job. Amazon RACE - Radical Approach to Church planting and Evangelism. I will be paired up with a native Brazilian. We will canoe down the Amazon River in search of a particular river-community that will be our new home for about a year and a half (not a year and a half straight though, we will be there for 3-4 months then back to the city of Manaus for 2 weeks, then in the river community for 3-4 months, then back to Manaus for 2 weeks...). As the Amazon RACE name implies, my job will be to develop relationships that lead to Christ-centered conversations that will lead to discipleship that will lead to church planting that will lead to sharing the Gospel in surrounding river communities. I am definitely excited about the next two years of my life. There is absolutely no telling what God will do inside of me and around me. Clearly, at this point I need prayer, and lots of it, so here are some things you could be praying for:
- That I would learn more about God and depend more on Him and less on myself each and every day.
- Language learning, I have been told that this is one of the most important things at this point.
- Visa, that the visa process would be pain free and not delay me in going to Brazil.
- Last, but definitely not least, that God would prepare the hearts of those I am going to be ministering to and that He would use me to bring people to Himself that at this point have never even heard of Him.
Thank you all! I am so excited about this.
awesome greg. cant wait for you to get out there. it is going to be such a cool experience for you. praise God!